ksx 10-2-oj Self-Regulating Heating Cable High performance KSX self-regulating heating cables are designed specifically for high heat loss freeze protection applications or process temperature maintenance where steam cleaning is not required. The heat output of KSX cable varies in response to the surrounding temperature by reducing its thermal output with increasing temperature.
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1. KSX 20-2-OJ Self-Regulating Heating Cable

KSX 20-2-OJ Self-Regulating Heating Cable

ksx 20-2-oj

ksx 20-2-oj

ksx 20-2-oj

High performance KSX self-regulating heating cables are designed specifically for high heat loss freeze protection applications or process temperature maintenance where steam cleaning is not required.

The heat output of KSX cable varies in response to the surrounding temperature by reducing its thermal output with increasing temperature.

KSX 20-2-OJ Self-Regulating Heating Cable


 Mr.Jan Trần – Technical Sales Engineer
HP: 0356 975 994
Email: jan.tran@wili.com.vn

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