Máy Phân Tích Khí - Gas Analyzer

Gas concentration transmitter in transparent plastic case

Gas concentration transmitter in transparent plastic case

Trasmettitore gas in custodia plastica trasparenteTrasmettitore gas in custodia plastica trasparenteTrasmettitore gas in custodia plastica trasparente

The gas concentration transmitters of SY .. R Series are made by the following components:

  • Gas sensor.
  • Electronic circuit for conversion.
  • Terminals for power supply and electrical connection of output signals.
  • Clear plastic case and its sensor-holder with protection filter.

The device can carry sensors for different gases, both combustible and toxic. The mounted terminals provide by standard both an analog current output (4..20mA) and a digital Modbus® output.

Control of the transmitter status, with the container closed, using the ACIR01 board (optional) (2 Relays + Led + Buzzer). Self-diagnostics. Recalibrable transmitter. Interchangeable sensor.

All models work with the following control unit RY M02M0, RY M02M1, RY M02M2, RY K01M, RX A01M.

Detected gas

Carbon monoxide
Petrol vapors

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