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Mail: jan.tran@wili.com.vn
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![3-WAY CONTROL VALVES, DN 65-150MM, GUN METAL 2.2.08 L3F](http://heating.vn/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/van-L3F-2.2.08.jpg)
2.2.08 L3F
Control valves type L3F are des ig ned for regulating hot water – and
cold and hot sea water. The valves are used in connection with one of
our tem pe ra tu re reg u la tors in con trol sy stems for industrial pro ce sses
or marine installations
The valve components – valve body, seats, cone and spindle – are
made of sea water resistant materials with connection fl anges drilled
according to DIN 86021. The connection thread for the actuator is G1B.
Without an actuator being installed, con nec ti on 2-1 is fully open and
con nec ti on 3-1 completely closed, by means of a spring. By increasing
pres su re on the spind le, the opening of the ports chan ges pro port io nal ly
to the travel of the spind le, and when the spindle is pres sed to the
bottom, connection 3-1 is fully op en and con nec ti on 2-1 comple te ly
clo sed
Sea water resistant
Simple design secures reliable controls and reduces costly downtime.
Can be used for both mixing and diverting
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